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Ms. Noll


Welcome to our Little Crusader Page




The end of the year is coming upon us quickly.  We have many fun things coming up.

On Wednesday we are going to Jenkins Aquarium and then playing on the beach.  Lets all pray for nice weather.  Remmber no lunch boxes please bring everything in a brown bag.  Have the children wear their Holy Family Shirts and bring beach toys to play with. 

Friday we will be going to church to wish our 8th graders good luck.  Please have th children in school by 8:30 so that we can walk over with the school. 

Our moving up Ceremony is on June 8th at 9am please have the kids here at 8:45 so that we can get ready. 


Remember if you have any questions or concerns feel free to email or call the school and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  


  Have a great week!!!    





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