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Religion Page


    The 2nd grade received the sacrament of Holy Communion on May 2, 2009. We are all very proud and congratulate them all! God Bless the 2nd grade.                



Currently, in Religion we are learning and discussing:

Chapter 7

-Jesus being our savior, his death and Ressurection

-ways to remember Jesus' love for us

Chapter 8

-The traveler on the road to Emmaus

-this story and its relation to Mass

-how we recognize Jesus with us at Mass

-Jesus after the ressurection/helping disciples

Chapter 9

-how the Holy Spirit helps us live and pray

-How God sent the Holy Spirit


-how the Holy Spirit helps makes us a child of God


    "I'm glad that such a big God can still fit in my heart, Mom."

"Me too. Out of all the places God is, that's His favorite place to be."  -Lisa  Tawn Bergren